Jessica's Adventures in the Philippines


Saturday, April 24, 2010

So It Begins!

My first blog entry. Hm, well, this will probably be the most difficult entry to write (except for, perhaps, my last entry...but let's not get ahead of ourselves).

Jump right in? Why not!
1) I plan on using this blog to document my adventures in the Philippines this summer.
2) Thank you for allowing me to share this experience with you! Your commitment to follow this trip is one of the most encouraging ways you can support me.
3) I am so very thankful for your partnership in this ministry and hope that you will be encouraged this summer as we watch the unfolding of our Lord's faithfulness together.

I can't believe this is really happening. I'm going to be in the Philippines in less than a month! 21 days to be exact. Honestly, this feels surreal. I turned in my Research Design today--a great 59 paged paper describing my research plans and hopes for this summer--the most difficult part of my college career is now over (I think). A friend asked me today, "So! How do you feel?" I thought about it for a moment and responded " crying!" It was a strange sensation. I suppose now that all my hard book-research is completed this trip is much more of a reality. That reality is scary...and really humbling. Twelve weeks in a foreign country doing research on my own. Who am I to be conducting research? Despite these months (actually, years) of preparation, I am feeling very small and completely inadequate. But I have complete confidence that the Lord will use me in my inadequacies!--and that's pretty awesome.