I had some major breakthroughs today and this past week!! and I'm going to share them with you!
- I constructed my first Tagalog sentence on my own today!! See the title of this entry. I was so proud!! Actually, I still am! During my day off I started reading about Tagalog grammar...and it paid off! Yes, the content of my sentence is a bit ridiculous, but it's very applicable here! And I did bathe in the rain today! Sort of. I stood in it for 3 hours (sorry, mom). With an umbrella. Which didn't help much because of the wind. But that just reminded me of Covenant, so it was nice. :)
- The benefits of looking Filipino definitely outweigh the disadvantages! It's taken a while for me to make that decision..but it is now made!
- Disadvantages - 1) People ask me everyday things, "Which route is this jeepney on?" "Is this the basket checkout line?" and then I panic and look at my translator or I say "I can't speak Tagalog" and they look at me as if to say "Well...why not?" and then I feel dumb. 2) When I choose to take pictures of things that are new for me and people stare. I can just feel them saying, "Why is she taking a picture of chewing gum??" 3) Being unintentionally offensive because I look like I should know the proper way of doing things, but I actually don't.
- Advantages - I saw two Caucasians walking on the street today while I was riding a tricycle. The boy sitting behind me yelled at them, "Hey!! Amerikano!! [some other things in Tagalog]" and then there was laughter and suches. It made me giggle because I was sitting in front of him and he had no idea that, hey, I'm American! So... 1) Teasing avoided. Next, I proceeded to walk to the church to meet my translator. I gripped my bag, feeling vulnerable walking along the side of a busy road on my own. Then I realized that I look just like everybody else! 2) I don't stand out as a target of ignorance though I am very ignorant indeed! thus, 3) It keeps me safer! (Hopefully no robbing and no kidnapping for me!) In addition to that, I think it's helped decrease the time it takes for people to, in a way, accept me. I physically "fit in." So, 4) Wayyy less reactivity! And 5) So far, no marriage proposals! [My host - Day 1 of Internship: "It is good that you look like a Filipina so the men on the street will not bother you and ask you to marry them."] (Becky, you may laugh now. I totally meant to tell you this prrrreeetty much the second after I heard it and to shove it in your face--how Dave's and your teasing last semester was complete poopoo. :D)
- If you noticed, the curse is only in my own discomfort. And I'm not here for my comfort so this is great news!
- Some of the cultural things are starting to click! I can't quite articulate what exactly yet, but I know they are because I'm starting to laugh more :)
- I had a meeting with my supervisor yesterday to narrow my research and it was super productive and decisive and I'm really thankful!! She also affirmed that my research topic is actually meaningful to the church--so that was really encouraging and motivating.
- I had my first "real conversation" with my host sister two nights ago! That means we spoke more than 2 sentences to each other. It was actually A LOT more than 2 sentences! Huge answer to prayer :) I am hoping that our conversations will not end there and that God would provide more opportunities for us to talk.
- There is evidence that my host brothers are watching out for me even though they don't talk to me! They say "bye" when they leave the house and they open the door for me when I come home. And sometimes they ask me how I am. But the major signs are 1) They worry - my host mother said, "When it was 4 o'clock and you were not home, [he] said to me 'It's 4 o'clock and Jessica is not home yet! What if she got lost?'" and 2) They're brainstorming and plotting cultural adventures for me.
- There were two girls at the church who especially intimidated me because they never spoke to me or really even looked at me. I kept telling myself "they're just shy," but I was really starting to get discouraged. Then God provided me with opportunities to talk to both of them this week! It's so funny how I can come back home at night and feel like I accomplished something huge because of a short conversation or even gaining a smile from somebody. It has also been interesting to work on using my nonverbal skills to communicate with others. Don't take your ability to speak with others for granted. Use your words for encouragement. Don't underestimate the power of a smile either. (Becky, I know what you're thinking...)
- I interviewed a barangay captain today (comparable to the head of a city council in the U.S.) and he was just so developmentally minded!! I was completely blown away and really excited!