Jessica's Adventures in the Philippines


Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello, Philippines!

I arrived in the Philippines on Saturday, May 15th around 6:40PM local time (6:40AM US EST).  All of my flights and transfers were very smooth!  I even arrived in NY 30 minutes early—a huge answer to prayer!  That was the flight I was afraid I might miss, which of course would have pushed back all my other flights.  So thank you for your prayers! 

I’m currently still in Manila, staying with Dr. Mask’s in-laws (who are absolutely wonderful!).  I am meeting my internship host later this afternoon and heading off to Los Banos.

Ten Observations:
  1. It was so strange flying an Asian airline not in mainland China.  There were all these people who looked like me, but I had no idea what they were saying!  I definitely found myself looking for people with US passports to put myself at ease and to feel less alone…then I realized that they paid absolutely no attention to me because, well, I look just like everybody else.
  2. Speaking of looking like everybody else…I haven’t quite decided whether this “looking Filipino” is going to work to my advantage or disadvantage.  I blend in well, which will help me be less obtrusive while doing observations and keep me safer (no kidnapping for me!—hopefully!).  But people have expectations of me, mostly expectations that I can speak Tagalog—expectations which I so gracefully destroy upon opening my mouth…or not opening it.
  3. Filipino food = (Chinese food + Hispanic food) X Flair
  4. Driving in the Philippines = Driving in China – (some people + most honking) + riskier drivers
  5. Manila looks a lot like a mix of Nanjing, China and Miami, Florida…with many catholic churches
  6. Busyness during the day leaves you exhausted at night = a good way to get over jetlag quickly …except you’re still exhausted. 
  7. My face has never hurt so much from smiling!
  8. It’s strange to experience something new on my own…it’s kind of like the culture shock of going to Covenant.  Wow…strange that the closet comparison of how I’m feeling right now is my move to college:  unknown world, lots of nice people, but no one is my friend (except I knew how to use a phone and money at Covenant)…strange mix of familiarity and yet, not belonging. 
  9. Mangos = so absolutely delicious!! 
  10. There are all these little ants crawling on me and…I’m just squishing them as I see/feel them.  Who am I and where did Jessica go?!
Prayer Requests:
  • Physical health:  Apparently this summer in the Philippines is exceptionally hot…yay.  Even the wind, if and when there is any, is hot.  I get really frustrated with myself in the heat because I feel as if I should be able to handle it…it’s really not that big of a deal…everyone else is okay…I should be okay too.  Basically I wish that my bodily needs wouldn’t inconvenience others.  I think I just hate admitting how weak I really am when it comes to how the weather affects me.  Pray that I will be able to be weak and ask for help (or water) when I need it.  The combination of heat and exhaustion leaves me nauseous and dizzy…and makes my vision blurry?
  • Emotional health:  Despite all the similarities I can find between my old experiences and my new experiences here, I am culturally exhausted.  It’s hard for me right now as I learn to process all that is going on around me.
  • That in my exhaustion I would not lose sight of God’s mercy and grace. 
  • Confidence in practicing and using the little Tagalog I know.
  • That He would give me rest and rejuvenation (physically, spiritually, emotionally)
  • That I would learn to rest and enjoy


  1. in response to #5: DANG IT! if only I'd gone to Nanjing! I'd have a great image of where you are.

    Praying for you, love!

  2. I have the absolute confidence that God has prepared you in all ways (some that you probably don't even realize yet) to succeed and excel while you are in the Philippines.
