Jessica's Adventures in the Philippines


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Ano" - word used to express "that word I can't remember" [so brilliant!]

Really busy, so quick post! (meaning I haven't edited it 200 times)  (the end is more important than the beginning!  So if you can't read it all, just read #8!!)

  1. I killed two cockroaches on my own this week.  TWO!  And they were HUGE.  G-R-O-S-S.  I prayed before attempting to kill each one.  Really long and specific prayers.  Jesus said "yes" to my requests.  Thank God.  Pray for less bugs and more courage...and that Jesus would keep saying "yes" in this department of my life  :)
  2. I've been memorizing Psalm 27.  Reciting it has been like having a super top secret, super effective medication for my loneliness and fears.  Pray for a continued hunger for the Word and growth in depth of understanding.  Pray for faithfulness.
  3. Thank you for your prayers.  Thank you for your comments and e-mails.  Even if I haven't found the time to respond to them, I've treasured each one dearly!  They really DO help me get through the rough patches of every day.  They especially help motivate me to continue to work (I need that if you want to send me a message everyday that says "you can do it!"  that'd be awesome).  Praise for the blessing all of you are to me and for the encouragement I've been receiving through you!  Pray for continued motivation in doing good work (I'm really kind of behind on all the writing I have to do).
  4. I bought new pens.  I was having a really bad day, but then I was in an air-conditioned store for 30 minutes and I bought pretty pens and my day?  Much better.  A little sad, but I guess it's the little things.  And the pretty things... :)  and the air-conditioning.  Trust me, it had been a miserable day.  Oh and 10 pens + a notebook < $5.  Yeah!  And then eating frozen watermelon with my host mother and talking about life...wonderful way to end an exhausting day!  Thank God for the little things he brings me during the day to show me He's there so I can rest in Him.
  5. I have PLANS!!  Social plans!!  That means...I have friends!  or at least I'm starting to have friends...  Outing this Friday...hiking up a mountain?  and shopping with the church secretary next Tuesday.  She's 24 and super tiny and super cute.  I think we'll have fun.  Pray for my social interactions and Praise for growing friendships.
  6. I was starting to get really discouraged doing interviews last week because I found myself becoming bored.  I thought, "You can't be bored yet!  You've only done 30 interviews!  You have 60 more!!"  and also, "You can't be bored!  You're listening to people share their lives!  You're supposed to care!"   and then, "You are a horrible cdv major.  FAIL for not liking interviews."  --  Right.  Then today, while doing interviews, I realized...I really love this!  It's just really difficult when I can't speak to people myself and I have to go through a translator.  I feel like such an outsider.  My interviews with these people are not going to make a huge difference in their lives.  I'm only there for 12 weeks.  *light bulb ON*  Which is why I'm working for the church!!  The church is there long term.  The church is there to be a testimony to Christ.  I'm just a tiny piece and I'm just a servant.  Wow.  My interviews were created with the intention of informing the church, not for me to go out and fix people.  Pray for humility in my research.  Pray that it would be for His glory and not my own.  Pray that I would be willing to submit my research plans/intentions/goals to His plans/intentions/goals.  Pray that I do no harm.  Pray that I will be able to be a blessing to those I interact with, not because of me, but because of Him.  Pray that I will be a good/faithful testimony for the Church here as I interact with their typhoon relief beneficiaries.
  7. Pray for some more free time so that I can finish my assignments and share some really neat stories with you that don't have to do with me! 
  8. Pray for a family I met today--they were the first of my 7 interviews.  The couple has a sick 5 month old baby - gastrointestinal infection.  He's been sick since he was 1 and a half months old.  They can't afford to take the baby to see a doctor again (with paying for damages from the typhoon, lack of stable income, 3 other children, preparing for the next wet care wasn't in their budget), so they keep taking him to the local health center...but all the health center can do is tell them to go see a doctor.  The baby is very weak, his skin hangs off his bones, he's jaundiced (yellow), and he has a protruding and rigid abdomen.  I don't know what we can do for this family because I really can't/shouldn't do anything without approval/advising.  I brought it up to the deacon board tonight at the prayer we'll see.  I think my translator and I are going to keep visiting with them while we're still interviewing their barangay and pray pray pray that prayers of healing will do the trick.  So please pray with us!  and ask others to pray!


  1. I just talked with you :)
    I'm praying for you a whole lot! Publix date is go! the only question is when? because as far as I know, Ashley McGarvey and I are going up to Orlando Wed. night to Dave's house and then driving up on Thurs. So we could all go to a Publix in Orlando, or we can go to the one in Chattanooga.

    BUT don't worry/think about that now! that's months away and we both have a mission for the summer and need to be focused on our current situations so we can see what God is preparing us to do.


  2. things seem like they're starting to click! God's work in God's time. :)

  3. Jess! I'm so glad things are starting to come together. I've been thinking about you a lot and praying that things are going well. Love you!

  4. Jessica...maybe you've written an update about the baby in a later blog...what has happened? I am praying for the baby, the family, for a doctor who may even see the baby free of charge, that this family will cling to the hope and healing of Christ.

    I want to share a prayer with you that I actually found in a prayer book of my grandma's...just a week ago and I've had this book for a long time! Anyway, I don't pray it every morning but do some mornings to be in a spirit of flexibility and openness to what God has for me in the day ahead. Here it is:

    "God, I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee; let me be full, let me be empty; let me have all things, let me have nothing; I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.
