Jessica's Adventures in the Philippines


Thursday, July 29, 2010

And Rain and Rain and Rain (No, not the Korean pop star)

Hi friends!

I know...I've been bad about blogging recently.  Sorry about that.  In my defense, the internet has been up and down a lot.  1) Because of the rain and 2) Because people keep cutting our telephone/internet wires (the wire can be sold for a good amount of money).  I think, since I've been here, the wire has already been cut at least 3 times.  Wires are also often cut when there is a brownout (no power, perfect time to cut and steal telephone lines) and there are plenty of brownouts when it rains this much.  Anyway, it seems that all things are connected to each other.  I also see myself using the term "brownout" when I return to the US.  People will think I'm crazy. "You mean 'blackout'?" they inquire thoughtfully.  "No.  I mean 'brownout'."

Anyway.  I'm nearing the end of my 11th week (speaking of which, I have yet to write my weekly log...) and time couldn't move any more slowly or any more quickly!  Yeah, it's weird.  I feel it.

Last night I finally cranked out my written final report!  Whoohoo!  and just about 5 minutes ago I cranked out my notes for my oral presentation!  Yay!  By Sunday I will be officially "done" will my internship.'s currently raining (go figure, right?) and I'm afraid we're going to have a brownout so I'm just going to end this blog with important prayer requests--because I need a lot of prayer.

Requests before the throne:

  • For continued wisdom and humility in editing my final everythings (papers, reports, etc.)
  • For good understanding and communication during my oral presentation this Sunday before the entire church (man...intimidating!)
  • That I would say and do everything in love
  • For God's grace to be on me as I say my goodbyes next week.  I hate goodbyes.  They make me cringe and run away...but I can't do that...that's irresponsible.
  • I feel that the enemy is really attacking me right now...making me doubt things that I know...making me turn inward...making me a nervous anxious wreck (especially before this presentation) for protection and guidance from the Lord
  • I have a cold--I would like for it to leave me alone
  • For the other CDV interns around the world as they also wrap up their internships and return home
Grace and peace to you from God our Father!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,

    I'm praying for you here in Colorado. I appreciate your descriptions of the typhoon and the Bureau of Immigration! I hope you can still make it to Samaritana before you leave.

